Sunday, December 13, 2009

Forgive Me

Forgive me

Angels walk among us

With their wings hidden away

I met an angel yesterday

Lord if u can forgive my lust

Lord in u I will always trust

I ask u in advance to forgive me

Angels are here to bless us all

Angel, can I have u to myself?

Something in her eyes took my breath

Resist as I might further I fall

I bow to u whenever u call

Lord I ask u in advance to forgive me

Can u forgive me?

For Every night and day

I want 2 covet thee

Can U forgive me?

I want u so close

U will feel one with me

Angels are here to ease our fears

Angels let us know God is there

This angel came into my life

To pull me into the light

I wanna hold on with all my might

Lord u are going to have to forgive me

Angels are meant not for us to covet

When she is close how do I love it?

When she kissed me I was so weak

Without her I can't feel complete

For love it is her I seek

Lord u gonna have to forgive me

Can u forgive me?

For Every night and day

I want 2 covet thee

Can U forgive me?

I want u so close

U will feel one with me


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am not sure what this reminds u of but thank you?

  3. This poem was definitely a blessing! And since God knows your heart is pure, He forgives you!!!
