Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hard being a man part one

I was sitting at Stately Stone Manor. Among the many thoughts that go thru my head. Some worth mentioning, others not so much( in fact I am pretty sure 2 thoughts I had are illegal in Montana and Wyoming). I was thinking how much the straight male has against him. I want you to really sit back and think for minute. When Gay Pride weekend is in Atlanta it is all the rage. Television and newspaper coverage in every major media outlet available. Dancing and frolicking in the streets. This was done with joy and praise from media outlets. Here is what disturbed me. If straight men did the exact same thing, there would be protests in the street. Women's groups would be out throwing tomatoes and bottles. I wonder to myself how did we get here? Why is it some groups can be proud and others can't?
Then I began to wonder, do women know how hard it is to be a straight man? I mean really. Before the boos and hissing begins. I want you to think about this. A man has to have the right job, car, height, temperament, penis size and much more. For example a woman can get mad at a man. Curse, spit, slap and kick him in public. The man is supposed to stand there and accept it. If the man does anything other than stand there, he is abusive. If a man yells too much he is abusive, a woman yells too much she is emotional. A man has to be exactly what a woman wants at that moment she wants. It is called a happy medium. Women do not want a man too soft or too hard. If you are too sensitive, you are a push over. If you are too stern, you are cold hearted. If you show too much emotion, you are weak. You keep too much inside , you are guarded. If you work too much, you are neglecting. Don't work at all, you are useless and less than a man. You can't be to nice nor too harsh. It depends on the moment. Do you know how confusing that is? I often hear the words 'happy medium' and I cringe when I do. Is there a rulebook or manual? Is there a time of day? When do you turn off the emotions? When do you turn them on? Most men start the day the same way they end it. If he is happy and nice, then there it is. An a$$hole is a$$hole all day. Women will go through various mood changes in minutes and a man has to be prepared. We have to adjust to the situation and HOPE that we adjusted properly.
Straight men don't get a day. Fathers day is not handled with the same joy that mothers day is. Mothers day you into stores and the entire store will be redone for mothers day. Restaurants have half off meal deals. Commercials depicting beautiful moments with mothers and children are shown. Prideful tears of joy as mom comes home to a surprise of the children coming home for this joyous day. Songs on various stations sing the praises of mothers. Fathers day what do we get http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x244/lawgable/dad2.jpgand 1 song poppa was a rolling stone. In all the urban religious plays and romantic films. The good man is always downtrodden a janitor or bus driver with a dream. Any man who is successful is evil and abusive. So success will corrupt in every case? No there are many successful men who are good to their women. Many but his story is never told. Then the sitcoms world depicts the family man as a buffoon and the wife as the head of the house (see "Everybody loves Raymond" "According to Jim") . It is like the main stream wants the straight man to seen as a clown. Gone are the days of The Cosby Show where the father is a stern good head of household. He is now the biggest idiot in the house. Even the children can outwit him everytime. It is hard out here for a grown a man, indeed. The strange belief is that women are the only ones who struggle. I know brothers (white, black, Hispanic, asian we are all the same) who fight to take care of their family. Men who struggle to hold it together. While the deadbeat dads get all the spotlight. The good men who beg to see their children, and can't. The stories are never told. Good men don't get a lifetime movie. Oprah does not dedicate a day to straight men unless we saved a life.
Now this is not to dog women. Nor I am trying to come across like men don't have faults. Lord knows we do. I am just saying have you guys ever thought how hard it is to be a man? I don't mean the 30 year old boys. I don't mean the players. I don't mean the hustlers. I don't mean the gangsters. I am saying the men out here. Those of who take care of our children. Those of us who work hard for our dollar. Those of us give our last to be sure our family is ok. Maybe one day the good straight male will get a parade. Maybe one day will get another movie (word to Will Smith and "The Pursuit of Happiness") Maybe one day. But for now it is hard out here for a good straight man.
-- President Straight Male Pride Foundation
Simon Stone